Pharmacy Software Companies are Selling Off, Some Even Shutting Down
Who owns your Pharmacy Vendor?
Have you noticed a difference in your pharmacy software vendor? Did they merge or sell to another company, and perhaps the level of service or response times have changed? With ownership changing, do you find it hard to escalate issues or really have your voice heard?
Over the past few years, the pharmacy software industry has seen numerous mergers, consolidations, and system closures. As independent pharmacy owners fight PBMs and look to build profits back into their businesses, it’s important to partner with vendors who not only support, but understand your needs. When you think about a local independent pharmacy vs. a chain, or maybe that locally owned bank vs. a nationwide one, it goes without saying you understand the differences in doing business with independently-owned compared to large corporations.
No one understands the needs of independent pharmacy quite like independent software vendors. Datascan has been family-owned and -operated since 1981, and while many of our competitors are owned by large drug wholesalers or have been acquired by private equity, we are steadfast in our independence and commitment to community pharmacy.
Customer service along with response times are always top priority for pharmacy owners. Just as your patients expect fast and efficient service, the same is true for pharmacy staff when it comes time to speaking with their vendors. Large chain-like vendors often lack the ability to provide rapid response times, efficient service, and most definitely lose the ability to focus on the individual needs of their pharmacies.
Patients choose a community pharmacy because they’re looking for better – better service, better quality care, and better pricing. Pharmacy owners deserve the same. Datascan gives its pharmacies a voice and input in the features and technology in our software. We value the opinions of those using our systems everyday. As a matter of fact, Datascan approves 80% of customer feature requests FREE.
With independent vendors like Datascan, you are never just a number. If you find yourself unhappy with the changes with your current vendor, or if your pharmacy software recently announced they are shutting down and recommended you look at another software company, now is the time for you to speak with us and hear what we can do for you. If you like what you hear, schedule a live, one-on-one demonstration with a salesperson to see our advanced technology, and if you like what you see, you will definitely like our pricing.
Datascan: The Independently Owned Pharmacy Software for the Independently Owned Pharmacy.