At its core, a pharmacy software system will provide you with the necessary tools for filling prescriptions, managing inventory, and adjudicating claims. But beyond the basic functionality, your pharmacy management software will provide you with the features and technology that can help you streamline your workflow, help patients build adherence, and boost profits in your pharmacy. The best way to implement the software is to go beyond just the basic functions and put the software to work for you. This will help you minimize wasted time and maximize your profits.

What Features Should I Be Using?
In the best pharmacy software systems, there is a multitude of features that can help you increase efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Which features are most important for your pharmacy? Putting your pharmacy management system to work for you can be simple. Implementing automation based features, text messaging, mobile applications, and adherence tools that are built into your pharmacy software is important, and they will not just work on their own!
System automation is designed to help you save time and money every single day. Different pharmacy management systems offer different automated options, but in the top pharmacy software products, you’ll have a variety of settings to choose from. Datascan’s pharmacy software has a one-of-a-kind scheduler that enables you to customize each and every automated function the system offers. Automatic refill, for example, is one of the most effective tools a retail pharmacy can use. Not only is it simple, but by completely automating the process, you are guaranteed to capture all refillable prescriptions before your patients run out of medication.
In addition, you can take advantage of automated text messages that will let your patients know their prescriptions are going to be processed. Aside from auto-refill texts, you can set up all different types of text alerts for your patients. Refill reminders, ready-for-pick-up alerts, adherence alerts on maintenance medications, and even restock or reminders for pickup notifications can be automated within the pharmacy computer system.
Maintenance medications must be taken properly and on time. In order to ensure patients never run out of refills, Datascan’s pharmacy system offers a maintenance medication utility that will preemptively reach out to doctors to get new prescriptions on maintenance drugs that have run out of refills. Not only does this build adherence, but also boosts your star ratings, which ultimately increases profits.
Mobile Applications
Aside from the expected basic software functions like filling prescriptions and tracking inventory, many of the integrated options help you stay engaged with your patients. A patient mobile application, synced with your pharmacy software system, will allow patients to better manage their prescriptions by making it easy and convenient for them to request refills, update personal information, make payments, and even request new prescriptions. Datascan’s pharmacy software suite includes a free mobile application.

Compounding and Long-term Care
Retail-focused pharmacies are finding success in implementing compounding and long-term care models into their businesses. Profits from PBM-controlled everyday prescription filling are simply not enough to be successful in today’s independent pharmacy. That being said, the ability to expand into other areas without having to change your pharmacy systems vendor is important. The retail pharmacy software system you’re using should be able to accommodate your ever-changing needs – and that includes features to fill compounded prescriptions and work with long-term care facilities. The top pharmacy systems include these options for no additional cost, such as Datascan’s pharmacy management software, Winpharm. Putting the software system to work for you, like tapping into features outside of your basic retail options is a great way to build profits into your independent pharmacy. The best compounding software will provide you with scale integration, comprehensive formula management, integrated barcoding, and automatic lot number generation.
For long-term care, you want to be sure your pharmacy system has the ability to manage multiple facilities, assign custom frequency codes, and offer a multitude of MAR chart types so you can customize these for each facility’s unique needs. The pharmacy software should also integrate with multiple eMAR’s as the facilities you service will want the ability to choose the electronic MAR company they prefer to work with.
Final Thoughts
The best way to use your pharmacy software system is to think outside of the box and tap into features that go beyond day-to-day prescription filling. Basic functionality like prescription filling, inventory management, and streamlined workflow are expected, but beyond that, you should look for enhanced features. Having these tools available to you will allow you to offer more than simple prescription filling. Whether you intend to offer compounding or service LTC facilities, look to the future and the possibility of change. You do not want to choose a retail pharmacy software package only to find out that later on you can not expand into other areas within your industry to build additional profit centers.