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Pharmacy Software Data Conversion; A Scary Process?

Year after year we meet so many independent pharmacy owners that are simply unhappy with the product or level of service they are getting from their existing pharmacy management software vendor –but they refuse to make a change! So they struggle on, losing out on opportunities to increase profits in their pharmacies, they miss out on new technology and perhaps don’t perform well with regards to star ratings, and worst of all, they are overstaffed by at least 1-2 people because of all of the manual processes they have in their daily workflow.

The reality is, the conversion process from one pharmacy software to another with Datascan can be little to no cost, as well as a very smooth and methodical process. We are highly experienced in converting stores that handle well in excess of 500 prescriptions per day—and without turning their business or staff upside down!

CEO of Datascan standing in the doorwayKevin Minassian is the President of Datascan Software. Under his leadership, the company rapidly expanded to provide pharmacy management software on a national level. Over the last 15+ years, he has ensured that Datascan has continuously evolved to offer innovative solutions for independent pharmacies while still offering world-class customer support. He is passionate about helping independent pharmacies to remain competitive, achieve success, and offer the very best service to their communities.