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5 Reports Your Pharmacy Should Be Running

pharmacy reporting tips 2021

One of the most beneficial things about your pharmacy management software is the ability to run reports and analyze data.  Reports are able to be generated from both Winpharm and Datascan POS to help you delve deeper into your pharmacy’s performance.  Winpharm and POS also allow you to view and print reports, and also save them and export them to Excel for further analysis.

Daily RX Log

The daily RX log is probably one of the most common and useful reports you can run from Winpharm.  This report has a tremendous amount of filter options and can also be customized by date range, allowing you to see a list of prescriptions filled by day, week, month, or even year.  This report provides you with an overview of all prescriptions filled within the specified date range, your profits, margins, and even breaks down your totals by individual pay plan.  The report is even able to be filtered out for specific drugs, doctors, patients, and plans.  Easily find what you’re looking for by using custom sorting options like date, patient, doctor, or drug.  To make it even easier, Datascan allows you to schedule this report to run automatically and even email a copy once it’s generated.

Drug Usage Report

Inventory continues to be the largest overhead in your pharmacy.  Our inventory system helps manage your inventory counts by allowing you to set par levels on drugs and even automatically generates purchase orders that can be exported to your drug wholesalers from Winpharm. The drug usage reports in Winpharm assist your staff when it comes to managing your drugs and inventory levels.  Like all reports in Winpharm you can generate and print a drug usage report or you can save it and export it to Excel.  For pharmacies managing multiple inventory categories, this report can be run for all drugs in all inventory categories or can be filtered by specific category.  It can also be filtered by control class, display your most or least used drugs by quantity or number of prescriptions filled, and can be customized further to only include a specific number of drugs.

Refills Due Log

The refills due log is a great tool to help your pharmacy fill more prescriptions and ultimately maximize profits.  While this report is also a usable utility that can send out notifications to patients via email and text, and can also be generated into a workable queue, it still remains one of the most useful and popular reports that Winpharm offers.  This report can be generated and printed, moved to an electronic queue, and even exported to excel!  Winpharm also allows you to filter by specific pay plan or patient category, exclude auto refill patients, run for MedSync patients, see only patients with a default for home delivery, and much more!

Below Cost Responses

Winpharm store options helps pharmacies customize the way our software operates.  With the ability to modify the system preferences, pharmacy staff can take advantage of all that Winpharm offers.  Included in the store options are post edit reimbursement warnings—settings that help pharmacy staff easily analyze reimbursement issues with hard stops and colors.  In addition to setting up the warnings you can run a Below Cost Response log that can be generated as a PDF or into excel or both to show you any claims that were reimbursed below your cost within a specific date range.   This report ensures your pharmacy staff is managing any prescriptions that may have been filled at a loss, which in turn maximizes your stores profits.

Inventory Forecasting

Inventory continues to be a painstaking task to manage for many pharmacy owners.  Between shrinking profits and rising drug costs it’s almost impossible to stock all of your patients medications and know when it’s time to reorder drugs.  Through Datascan’s Inventory Forecasting reporting pharmacies can choose specific drug categories or drug classes, specify by day supply, and also select a usage date range to generate and print or export a report that suggest what drugs need to be ordered.   This helps to reduce inventory costs by knowing when to reorder certain expensive medications and also helps to avoid over ordering.

Learn more about Datascan’s comprehensive and robust reporting system and how it can help maximize your stores profits on our website or by reaching out to one of our knowledgeable support technicians!

CEO of Datascan standing in the doorwayKevin Minassian is the President of Datascan Software. Under his leadership, the company rapidly expanded to provide pharmacy management software on a national level. Over the last 15+ years, he has ensured that Datascan has continuously evolved to offer innovative solutions for independent pharmacies while still offering world-class customer support. He is passionate about helping independent pharmacies to remain competitive, achieve success, and offer the very best service to their communities.